Dead or alive?

A few months ago a certain person involved in the commercialisation of new retail centres told me that it was high time to consider a fresh challenge and find a new job.
The golden age of the sector in Poland is now over, I was told. But have the reports of its death been greatly exaggerated? On the one hand – “no” seems to be the answer: fewer and fewer large malls are being built and the saturation even in smaller towns is now incredibly high. On the other hand, perhaps we should wait and see what the market still has in store for us before doing anything hasty? The sector has continued to evolve due to the development of new technology and the internet. The shopping habits of Poles have also been undergoing changes, but this does not mean that we have stopped visiting shopping centres altogether. We have caught up with Western Europe in terms of retail space saturation. The Polish retail landscape is now dominated by two trends: the redevelopment and extension of existing, often well established, shopping centres (as the big become even bigger); and the race to fill in the remaining gaps in the country’s market through the co
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