Clicking everything into place

Shopping, thankfully, is no longer just rushing from store-to-store in different malls. It can now be done by surfing the internet, and by using our mobile apps to find the right products and to pay for them. We are gradually entering an era when brick-and-mortar stores are being transformed into something more like showrooms or places to pick up (and return) goods ordered online. Luckily, my own shopping habits are perfectly in line with this trend
It will soon be a full year since I joined the editorial team of ‘Eurobuild CEE’. So this is probably a good time for our readers to finally get to know me. I love watching ‘Friends’, I’m addicted to Pepsi, and – which may be surprising considering my gender – I simply detest traditional shopping. Food or clothes, footwear or bags. Or any other kind, for that matter. I hate trudging through shopping centres; I can’t stand the crowds of people on Saturdays that mill around such Warsaw malls as Arkadia or Wola Park. I even have an acute aversion to having to pop down to the local convenience store because I’ve run out of butter. And trying on clothes in a place other than the privacy of my own home gives me the creeps. Therefore, I thank the heavens, fate and the geniuses who came up with the opportunity me to shop online. I’ve been ordering clothes and shoes from various online stores for some time now. A few years ago I also d
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