Investing in ‘safe havens’

One of the basic rules of investing says: ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’ We can secure capital through broadly understood diversification, i.e. dividing the portfolio into different kinds of assets. Spreading the risk may involve allocating part of the funds to investing in ‘safe havens’, for example investments in gold, bonds, investment deposits, or more risky - in shares of listed companies, ETF funds, FOREX or futures contracts. The activity that also seems to be the safest in the long term is investing in residential and commercial real estate. Looking at the current residential sector and rising land prices as well as construction costs, which translate into an increase in apartment prices, we can assume that the value of such an investment should stand and bring relative returns in the future by, among others, increasing its value. Portfolio diversification and variety is the foundation of investors’ strategy. However, spreading the
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