An open door to redefining the commercial real estate market in Poland

The investment slowdown in the commercial real estate sector that we have been observing in Poland for over a year is primarily the result of the tightening of monetary policy around the world. This strategy mainly affects international players, but not private equity investors. Perhaps this is a great time to re-evaluate the financing system in the real estate sector in Poland and to finally introduce REITs, which function very well in the Czech Republic and the Baltic countries. Introduction of appropriate legal regulations, including REIT funds, which has been discussed a lot lately, or the involvement of family foundations in long-term creation of market demand would increase the negligible, approximately 2 pct share of Polish capital in investments. It would open up the opportunity for individual investors in our country to invest in commercial real estate. A market of many possibilities I believe that the current conditions create a unique opportunity to return the market to i
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