Real estate investment market in 2018 will see the next record

"The investment market in Poland is doing well. This year, just like the last three years, will be another record year. There have been a lot of properties put up for sale since the end of 2017," told us Dariusz Forysiak, associate director, retail investment services, Colliers International.

"We have seen a lot of demand from South African funds and from Asia and Germany as can be seen by a number of previous deals. The inflow of new capital to Poland is huge. Investments in retail real estate took 40-45 pct of the whole investment market in Poland in 2017. According to our forecasts, 2018 is going to be similar, but I think 2018 will be better than 2017 in general. 2018 will see a number of portfolio purchases. Now we already have several portfolios for sales worth over half a billion Euros. Institutional investors are very interested in such deals. We will see several sales of single properties worth over EUR 100 mln. They will also have an impact on the overall investment market volume. Investors are asking us about whole portfolios and dominant shopping centres - these are very hot products on the Polish investment market. And interest in them is vast: South African funds, Asian and German. So the largest deals will be a number of single asset sales as well as two or three portfolios worth EUR 300- 500 mln," said Dariusz Forysiak.


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