Spark half finished

Several weeks ago Skanska finished building C, which will be the headquarters for all Skanska's companies in Poland: the general contractor, the residential developer and the office developer divisions. The first employees have already moved into building C.

"Behind me you can see the second building of the Spark project. Building B will be delivered next year. Now it has reached its highest point and work on the reinforced concrete structure has been finished. We have started constructing the façade. By the end of May all of Skanska's companies will have moved. Each of the buildings in the complex is going to have its own special feature. First of all - building C has an open for tenants’ terrace, the second building is going to have an amphitheater on the ground floor for everyone from the district. The third - the tower - is a special feature in itself," said Krzysztof Wilczek, regional director, Skanska Property Poland.


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