Chmielna 89 under construction

“The commercialisation of Chmielna 89 is going really well. We’re really pleased with how quick it is and with the number of enquiries. Right now, we’ve leased out 20 pct of the building. Our plan is that by the time we’re granted the occupancy permit – which we think will be in the middle of November – we will have commercialised at least 60 pct of the building” – says Monika Rogucka, leasing director, Cavatina. “The first tenant should be moving in at the end of November. We’re on schedule. You can see they’re already putting up the façade so everything’s right on time. A lot of IT companies have shown interest in the building, while the other tenants are from various industries, such as banking. We’re even talking with one organisation from the public sector. This building is going to be one of the first to have its own app – adds Monika Rogucka.


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