Towards more efficient cooperation

The governmental draft of a new Act on PPP signals new hope for joint investments between public and private partners. However, until further incentives are introduced, instead of the much-needed sports stadiums for the Euro 2012 championships, the most we can hope for is a few crèchesThe 2005 Act on PPP intended to provide a legal framework for the cooperation of public and private partners on joint investment projects. In brief, the public partner was supposed to make savings when investing in public buildings and facilities, and the private partner was to enjoy the benefits of using such buildings or facilities after (and subject to) the completion of the investment project. Despite tangible potential benefits to private companies, not a single public-private partnership agreement has been concluded since the enactment of the PPP Act two years ago. This was due to the complexity of the procedures required under the Act. Even before a decision on an investment between a public
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