Concrete Arguments

Payment hold-ups are run-of-the-mill in the construction business but a situation where a main contractor is denied payment despite being co-investor is rare. Such was the predicament Bouygues Polska found itself in when they got involved in Wola Park. We talk to Jean-Pierre Coudrin, President of Bouygues Polska You have said that Wola Park's investor had long been in arrears with the payment for the work you did for them. What's the situation now? [the interview took place in the second half of December 2002] - Our client, Wola Park, still owes us nearly EURO 30 mln for our services, which is why we've requested arbitration from the International Chamber of Commerce in London. As far as our subcontractors are concerned, we have taken all possible measures to fulfil our financial obligations towards them, regardless of whether or not we received payment from Wola Park. We've been cooperating with them [subcontractors] for a long time now and appreciate the tough situation
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