Retail comes back into investors’ view

The largest proportion of commercial project acquisitions in 2015 is expected to be in the retail sector – there are a dozen or so retail assets available to buy on the market. The high share of shopping centres forecast for this year is the result of analysis of the length of time assets are being held in real estate funds’ portfolios. The medium-term investment horizon in continental Europe is 6 years, whereas in the UK it is 7 years and 2 months. Another reason why a substantial volume of retail purchases is expected is that owners have already been observed to be looking for buyers for their assets. It is likely that many of them will find interested parties within this year. The third factor in favour of greater investment in commercial real estate such as shopping centres, are the favourable macroeconomic conditions in Poland, which combined with the easing of monetary policy has pushed up the value of properties, making up for the earlier depreciation right after the
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