I don't do inventions

His tenure at Galeria Mokotów was an unequivocal success, though it was also his first stab at managing a retail centre. Now Yoram Reshef faces a new challenge: that of converting the former Reform Centre into a bustling place for meeting, shopping and fun. Blue City, in other words. Some say that your attempt to turn the Reform Centre, (on Al. Jerozolimskie), into a profitable shopping centre, borders on the impossible, and that you are trying to resuscitate a corpse. - It's a very difficult mission but that doesn't mean that  it's impossible. Unfortunately, I am battling with people who have a direct interest in expressing such views and it would be a lot easier to build a brand new shopping centre, than to convince some people that Blue City will succeed. I am fully aware of what I am getting myself into, and nobody forced me to do it. I had a decent job with a good salary at Galeria Mokotów but when I met the new Reform Centre investors, I decided to leave GTC b
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