Perpetual usufruct is not forever

'Perpetual usufruct' (użytkowanie wieczyste) is peculiar to Polish civil law. Introduced during Communist rule, as an ownership substitute to facilitate construction on state-owned land, it's still alive and kicking. So what is perpetual usufruct? You could liken it to owning property on a 99-year leasehold, but it's not quite that simple. On the one hand perpetual usufruct is similar to ownership, as perpetual usufructors, like owners, may use land to the exclusion of other persons and may dispose of their rights. On the other hand, however, perpetual usufructors' rights to land are limited in time and may have further limitations under perpetual usufruct agreements.  Most importantly, the State Treasury or local authority remains the landowner. 'Perpetual' in name, but valid for 99 years Land is delivered for perpetual usufruct for 99 years.  In theory, in exceptional cases, the legislator allows land to be delivered for perpetual usufruct for a shorter perio
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