Behind the scenes they may be, but retail centre managers produce visible results

Retail centres: a few thousand sqm., about one hundred shops, cafes, services, a multiplex and entertainment sector, plus 30,000 customers a day.  Who makes these  giants function? Retail centre managers have been around in Poland for some time now but have remained in their employers' shadows. Big developers or retail chains, such as Metro AG are very well-known, but few people have heard of Metro Real Estate Management, for example, a company which was  specially established to manage retail developments.I. "Managing  retail properties can be divided into three stages", says Michael Atwell, head of the retail asset management team of Cushman & Wakefield H&B. ,The first is  the design stage, when we discuss operational issues, such as maintenance rooms, goods-delivery, cleaning, security, parking, the manager's office, technical equipment and the integrated Building Management System (BMS). Such consultation with the architects,
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