Wishing them luck!

When we visited the Wola Park construction site on 21st August, there were hundreds of workers hurrying in and around the building and the marketing office was extremely busy. Everything needed to be ready for 18th September, when Warsaw's biggest retail centre officially opens. It wasn't just the construction site that was hectic. In the sunshine and heat, several dozen workers were also toiling away to widen ul. Górczewska which leads to Wola Park, and much was still left to be done: "Don't worry, they will certainly make it on time. They promised us",  assured Sean Briggs of CERPF adding  that Gazeta Wyborcza  had been far too pessimistic, when they wrote, "The work on ul. Górczewska will certainly not be complete before the Wola Park retail giant opens.  Chaos can be expected there at the beginning of September...". Despite the uncertain road situation, it was clear who the new tenants for ninety per cent of the space would be.
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