The day began, as all good days should, with breakfast. Scrambled eggs or omelettes were available on request for the guests of the 12th Eurobuild CEE golf tournament held at the First Warsaw Golf and Country Club in Rajszew. Afterwards the golfers dispersed armed with bottles of energy drink and water to their various holes, which had names such as ‘Copse and Robbers’, and then began a day of thwacking small balls into the middle distance. Some balls flew directly to the hole, some players preferred to go from bunker to bunker, while others disturbed the swans that were nesting on the course by plonking their shots straight in the drink. But by far the greatest obstacle along the course was the sun. It was a swelteringly hot day, particularly for those golfers who had not managed to grab themselves a golf cart and were left wilting on the walk back. The other unadvertised hazards were the mosquitoes, sucking the blood out of all those who had come unprepared. Afterwards, T