A win-win tournament

The best beach volleyball players from the sector proved to be the team fielded by Warbud. They were followed by Jones Lang LaSalle, while MLP Group came third. But the real winners were the patients of the Our Children [Nasze Dzieci] foundation at the oncology clinic of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw
It was a day when new records were set. More than PLN 157,000 was raised at Warsaw’s La Playa club on the sweltering first day of August – over half as much again as in 2012. The event was attended by nearly 700 representatives of the commercial real estate industry in Poland and their families. A record number of teams were also competing – 25 (175 players), including Blackstone, CBRE, BNP Paribas Real Estate, Colliers International, Deloitte, Cushman & Wakefield, DTZ, ECE Polska, ECI Group, Ghelamco, Grupa Capital Park, Hochtief Development Poland, Jones Lang LaSalle, Knight Frank, Neinver, MGPA, MLP Group, Panattoni Europe, Portico Investments, Prologis, Savills, Segro, TriGranit/Valad, Skanska and Warbud. The weather did not disappoint either, which was very fitting for the beach setting on the banks of the Vistula. The best team, conquering both the competition and the sun, was Warbud, while the second and the third positions went to JLL (the organiser of th
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