The sweet smell of successful management

The Polish retail market is moving towards relative maturity, but this does not mean that it is stagnating. It is still changing rapidly, with novel ideas and a greater level of professionalism
What is the ideal store? How should the wares be arranged? What should be displayed in the windows and how should it smell? This was the topic of the first hour of the Eurobuild CEE ‘Retail Vision’ conference that was held on the morning of April 17th in Warsaw’s Intercontinental hotel. The conference opened with a presentation by Bartłomiej Juszczyk, the CEO of the Adweb group, who explained how modern technology could be integrated with the sales process, and how shop windows could continue to sell even when the stores themselves were closed. Later he was joined by Wojciech Grendziński, the vice-president and sales director of Internet Media Services, Joanna Turlejska, the owner of Strefa VM, and Agnieszka Mosurek-Zava, the president of Douglas Polska, for a discussion moderated by Aneta Cichla, a journalist at ‘Eurobuild CEE’. The first panel was immediately followed by a presentation by Forbis Group PM, with the company’s managing director Marc
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