Buildings with soul

Eurobuild Awards
The best architectural design of the year will be chosen as soon as December 4th during the Eurobuild Awards gala. Here are the nominees.
What are the most significant events to have taken place this year? The openings of new buildings are the thing that makes us happiest. This is when the visions of  architects become real, in the form of bricks and concrete. Their private vision then becomes part of an intersubjective experience, a creation that can be admired for its aesthetics, utility or originality. This year saw the appearance of a number of new significant commercial buildings. The nominees include office buildings such as Gdański Business Centre (46,000 sqm) in Warsaw and Alchemia in Gdańsk (40,000 sqm). There was also no shortage of shopping centre openings, such as Galeria Warmińska in Olsztyn (116,000 sqm), Galeria Siedlce (63,000 sqm) and Amber in Kalisz (46,000 sqm). There has also been a fair share of public buildings, which, as last year’s victory of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews and that of the National Stadium the previous y
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