The ‘Mordor on Domaniewska’ Facebook page has been steadily building up a following since it was created in 2013. Its reference to Tolkien’s trilogy, along with the mockery it implies, is by no means without justification. The profile includes descriptions of the everyday lives of the employees who work for companies located in Warsaw’s office basin in Służewiec district – the so-called ‘Orcs’. The incessant crushes in the overcrowded public transport, the lack of other services and the rather long distance to basic urban amenities – these are only a few of the challenges that the army of people working there have to live with on an everyday basis. In addition, the district, which teems with everyday life during the mornings and afternoon peak time, shuts down in the evening and becomes the archetypal office desert. Even the estates that have been built nearby cannot remedy this.
Towards Rivendell