Off at a tangent

Phew! What a scorcher! Since the school year ended, Poland has been hit by a heat wave.

This is when your brain stops working and your thoughts – intoxicated by pictures posted by friends who have already left for their summer break and are eager to share the beautiful sights they are beholding – wander off in completely non-work- related directions. Even the summer issue of this magazine seems to be following this trend of going off at vacation-related tangents. (Or perhaps I’m seeing holidays in everything now?) If we choose far away destinations to holiday in, we go there by plane. And this the first such tangent we drift off along. We discuss the difficulties and benefits of running an office in Poland with Carlos Lamela, the head of the architectural studio that designed Terminal I of the Fryderyk Chopin airport in Warsaw and celebrated the opening of Terminal II a few weeks ago, which was also redesigned according to its vision (‘Planes, Trains and Much Else Besides’.) Having left the airport, it’s time to check in at the hotel. And here is our second tangential departure point – we look at the sector from the point of view of developers. Could the development of a hotel be an interesting alternative to an office project or a shopping centre? (‘Choice of Hotel’.) After the check-in, it’s time to relax, and maybe play a game of something. So we move to our third holiday reverie, the report of the annual golf and tennis tournaments we have been holding for several years now. Some of us like to spend their holidays by blowing their cash out shopping, usually on a city break while visiting its historic heart. In this issue we take a closer look at the niche investors who can see the profits to be made by investing in outlets or entire buildings on high streets (‘Money on the Streets’.) Could we possibly stretch this into being our fourth vacation tangent? I think I should probably go and pack my suitcases before I start associating our warehouse article with holidays!
