Switching to two wheels

Five companies, ten bikes. This can only mean: #przesiadka (switch/ change), a scheme to switch from motorised transport to peddle-power. It took place between August 25th and September 22nd, with ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’, JLL, CBRE and two developers participating
Employees of these firms who took part in the #przesiadka scheme used the Srida bikes provided by Bike2Box to get to work, to go for a lunch, for business meetings – and even for private social gatherings. The idea was to switch from four to two wheels. “We have joined the #przesiadka scheme as we believe that if you want things to change, you have to start with yourself. We want to show that you can travel by bike through the city as quickly as by car, and, additionally, it is a way to preserve the environment,” said Ewa Andrzejewska, the editor-in-chief of ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’. After just a few days of testing the Strida bicycles delivered by Bike2Box we knew that appearing on the streets of Warsaw on Strida could evoke a lot interest, mainly among the sterner sex, and that riding the bike, which can be easily folded up, could be a real challenge. Here are some of our testers’ opinions: “
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