Architecture is atmosphere

A meeting of architects, developers, investors and real estate specialists – Eurobuild’s first Festival of Architecture, which took place at the Association of POLISH Architects in Warsaw’s Zamoyski Palace on September 14th
The festival, organised by Eurobuild Conferences with the support and patronage of the Association of Polish Architects (SARP), was the first event of its kind. “The idea for the conference came from the market, you were its originators. You are the experts who have specific needs,” declared Ewa Andrzejewska, the editor-in-chief of ‘Eurobuild CEE’ magazine, in her welcoming speech. She also emphasised the need to create a space where the development sector and architectural environments can meet and talk to each other. “The festival is a response to this need,” she said. “We hope that it will be a celebration of architecture,” Mariusz Ścisło, the president of SARP, added. The meeting was opened with a presentation by world-renowned German architect Jürgen Mayer, and featured a few of his studio’s ongoing projects. Furthermore, he provided a short analysis of how his most famous project – Metropol Parasol in Seville, th
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