Indeed, sometimes it’s difficult to imagine a cosy and comfortable office when a project is still at the stage of a hole in the ground or when all you can see are construction workers and iron girders. But this is not only the case with office projects. Residential and retail developers face a similar dilemma. “After all this is what artistic renderings, designs and the documentation are for,” someone might say. This may be true, but in times of rapid technological progress aimed at making life more comfortable – which clearly people have quickly grown accustomed to – it is difficult to convince someone to rent or buy space by getting them to flick through a few hundred pages of the construction design. You need to make your case more concisely and show what you mean in a clear, attractive and simple manner. Pictures are still the basic way of dogin this, but interactive methods, such as 3D goggles or animated films that show you an apartment or an office