Presenting it as it is

Eurobuild Awards
Marta Kostyk (right), prologis’ property manager for the Lower Silesia region, picked up the award for the Best Warehouse Manager of 2016. She spoke to us about how important communication and understanding are for tenants
Were you surprised by the award? On the one hand, it came as a bit of a surprise; but on the other, it confirmed the fantastic relationship we have with our tenants in Lower Silesia. I’m very happy that our tenants appreciate our work so much, so I felt really honoured. The award decided by the tenants is a huge incentive to work even harder and further develop our competences. What’s the most important thing in management? Definitely the most important aspect is the communication between the manager, the warehouse and the tenant. In order to have a good relationship, it is essential to understand each other and look for compromises, of course, within the business objectives of the company the manager works for. What’s the key to earning the respect of your tenants? As in every relationship, transparent cooperation is very important – and this is especially true between the manager and the tenant. I always try to present the situation as it really is
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