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Eurobuild Awards
Michał Skorupski, 7R Logistic’s administrator, who collected the award together with Izabela Gajek for the best warehouse manager of 2016 (won jointly with Marta Kostyk of Prologis), believes that a manager must maintain service standards, despite the human factor
What is the most important thing in real estate management? Michał Skorupski, 7R Logistic: Apart from textbook things, such as the maintenance and improvement of the property, our tenants are the most important aspect for us – that is, their satisfaction with their cooperation with us. 7R Logistic focuses on good relations with the tenants and a flexible approach to their expectations. So what’s the best way to earn the tenants’ appreciation? The tenants’ appreciation is the fruit of our team work over the last seven years. This involves a skilful approach to the everyday problems and concerns of our tenants. It is also requires providing professional care for businesses that are often far from straightforward for a manager to know how to attend to. Tenants often come from a variety of industries and we actually help them develop their businesses. We once had a warehouse that contained paints, cold stores and freezers. A fibre-optic service had to be intr
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