Always a Central European

Investment & finance
How long is the current boom on the CEE market likely to last? Árpád Török, CEO, TriGranit: Unfortunately, I’m not a prophet and I can’t say. What is certain is that 2016 has been the busiest year on the real estate market since the 2008 economic crisis hit the CE region, and I expect further investment volume growth, yield compression and price increases over the coming twelve months. However, markets seem to be approaching their peaks, although it’s difficult to predict when they are going to reach them.
Analysts are predicting some kind of market correction in the US by 2018/2019, which then might spiral out into the global markets and to Europe. This won’t necessarily come in the form of a crisis, but rather as a type of restoration, a deceleration of the current boom, and a decrease in development volumes. There is a lot of capital out on the market waiting to be invested in real estate, and if it stays that way there isn’t going to be any serious problem. Now that investors have returned to Budapest, can we expect TriGranit to concentrate its investment at home in Hungary – or do you now see yourselves as more of a CEE player? TriGranit has always been a Central European player, headquartered in Budapest with offices in different Central European cities. Our focus countries and cities always depend on development and economic factors and trends in the CE region. In Hungary and Budapest the current macro-economic indicators are among the best in the region: th
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