Richard B. from the Cambridge area will go down in history as the first customer to have goods delivered by electronic courier. The order was not impressive in itself – a drone delivered an Amazon Prime TV stick and a bag of Richard’s dog’s favourite biscuits. The entire despatch route, from where the order was received to its delivery, was recorded by a camera following the drone, so you can follow the route of the parcel travelling across the picturesque English countryside in (almost) real time.
Under English skies
The journey was kicked off with the order being received and the online payment completed by Richard. An employee of the Amazon warehouse retrieved the ordered goods from the shelf, scanned their bar codes and packed them into a normal box, which he then placed on a conveyor belt. In the next room a mechanical arm grabbed the box from the conveyor belt and placed it in the drone’s cargo bay. The drone then entered the warehouse on a rail track an