Such capabilities are priceless when you finally grow out of playing in the sandpit. They are particularly crucial when you set up your own company and have to compete against tough competition. And there is no shortage of people with such skills around, judging from our annual Round Table Discussion in this issue. It was attended by the heads of Polish real estate agencies that have to succeed in a market dominated by the largest international players. They have built their companies through perseverance, ambition and without any illusions or complexes about taking on the big boys. Another large company featured on these pages is ECE, the portfolio of which comprises almost 200 facilities with a total value of over EUR 30 bln. Alexander Otto tells us how it was possible to develop a local German company into a smooth international operation active in 14 countries, as well as about the group’s future plans. Meanwhile, the people in charge of the Marriott group, which became the l