
Donald Trump has graced (for want of a better word) the covers of countless publications in recent months – and not just those dedicated to covering the political scene
A recent issue of Golf Digest featured the new leader of the free world in full golfing gear alongside the headline: ‘Golfer-in-Chief’. Esquire magazine last year had a similar Trump-adorned cover, but this time the emphasis in the headline was rather different: ‘Hater-in-Chief’. Many might wish that instead of entering politics Trump could have just quietly retired and instead focused on improving his golf handicap. But obviously, “quiet” and “retiring” aren’t words usually associated with the man. His handicap would not seem to need much improving either, since he claims a rather impressive one (for a 70-year-old) of below three. Unfortunately, as with many facts about the great man, this one is impossible to pin down. But it’s not as though he’s got a track record for having a strange relationship with the truth, is it? Anyway, since he was originally a property developer, why didn’t we emblazon the front of our
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