Still full steam ahead

POLAND After the record sales results for the fourth quarter of 2016 (as well as throughout the entire year), some housing market analysts were predicting a slowdown over the first three months of 2017. And now they are feeling embarrassed, because further records are still being broken. We have taken a look at those developers that recorded their highest sales in the first months of 2017.
The winners are: Robyg is the record holder for the period. The company signed sales contracts for 937 apartments net in Warsaw and Gdańsk over Q1 this year representing a 30 pct increase y-o-y. The company believes it will sign 3,300 contracts in 2017 under current market conditions. “Our Q1 results confirm that there is still a significant housing deficit on the Polish market. Last year, 65,000 new apartments were sold in the six largest cities, but the number of apartments per person in Poland remains considerably lower than the EU average,” says Oscar Kazanelson, the president of Robyg’s supervisory board. Murapol has taken second place. The group secured sales contracts for 814 homes over the first three months of 2017 – up from 701 contracts in the same period of 2016. This is a Q1 record for the developer and one of its best net sales figures over its entire 16-year history. “These results are even more satisfying because the formal and administr
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