“We originally intended that the first opening would be in Warsaw,” Richard Bergfors, the co-owner and CEO of Max Premium Burgers, tells us. So far the company has signed contracts for two restaurants to open in the capital city. These will be located in custom-built stand-alone buildings, one of which will be in Janki on the outskirts of Warsaw while the other is to be somewhere within the city limits. The company expects to be issued with the building permit for the first project within a few weeks. Negotiations are taking place with several shopping centres and a number of potential locations are being assessed. Max Premium Burgers has confirmed that one of the locations under consideration is the Złote Tarasy shopping centre in the heart of the city. The company is also now looking for new plots to buy or lease, particularly in Warsaw and its immediate area as well as in other large cities. It is also considering openings in shopping centres and on high streets. Howeve