Garage style in the office

The founders of Amazon, Apple, Dell, Google and Microsoft set out on the road to global domination in their garages. This has become part of the folklore of entrepreneurial culture. However, the most flourishing companies today are no longer born in such suburban settings. Innovation now thrives in revitalised factories, technological parks and even in glass and steel towers – and the real estate sector is looking to benefit from all of this
Ask those in the know, and the usual view is that only 10–20 start-ups survive out of every hundred. So it would seem to be quite a risky business. But there are ways of increasing your chances of survival. You need investors and accelerators – to serve as a kind of midwife in the birth of your new enterprise. The small scale of start-up companies and the rather high risk of failure have, however, tended to deter real estate tycoons from entering this environment. “Start-ups usually launch their operations in smaller buildings that are of little interest for large developers or agents. We consider them to be companies with potential, but when they grow they no longer qualify as ‘start-ups’ and then become part of a particular industry. Start-ups have quite a specific mode of operation – in the form of project groups. This means that they need office space for just one, two or maybe three years,” says Mikołaj Sznajder, the senior associate dire
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