Boredom is bliss

Stock market report
The end of spring and early summer turned out to be a period of calm for the global stock exchanges. In June the main markets were quite simply... boring – even in spite of the historic peaks reached on the American and German bourses. In Poland the shifts on the main index of the largest companies, the WIG20, were somewhat insignificant. The construction companies’ index lost a little of its value, but the index for developers more than made up for its recent losses
After the parliamentary elections in France, politics has ceased to loom as largely in the minds of investors as it has done in previous months. The overwhelming success of the new president’s party was received without any major reaction from stock exchanges (as was expected) and in fact pointed more to the possibility of falls rather than driving up purchases. The economic fundamentals are now the main factor driving investor behaviour – and these are looking pretty good for Poland. How the political developments in France will affect the future of the euro zone (there is talk of a unified EU budget and economic policy as well as a two-speed Europe) will become clear over the next few months and only then will it be possible to assess their impact on the stock markets. Over in “basket-case Britain”, Theresa May’s government turned the Brexit negotiations into an even more daunting prospect due to the self-inflicted wound of needlessly calling a general e
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