Rocking the retail scene

Retail & leisure
Last year Rockcastle’s CeE portfolio became significantly larger, as Bonarka in Kraków, two Focuses in Zielona Góra and Piotrków Trybunalski and Forum Liberec were added to it. The investor’s appetite for further acquisitions has not abated and it is now looking for more opportunities – but it still needs to do some work on its purchases. Marek Noetzel of Rockcastle Global Real Estate tells us all about the company’s redevelopments, as well as its extension and recommercialisation plans
Ewa Andrzejewska, ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’: It seems that you have a year of investing heavily ahead of you. To what extent have the plans announced in your financial report at the beginning of the year taken shape? Marek Noetzel, retail director, member of the board, Rockcastle Global Real Estate: The portfolio built up by Rockcastle will be undergoing a fair number of extensions and redevelopments. The portfolio we have purchased can be divided into two kinds of properties. The first type dominate their catchment areas, but have limited extension possibilities and yet can still be improved in order to strengthen their position – if only because of their age (e.g. Pogoria Dąbrowa Górnicza, Focus Piotrków). This can be done through recommercialisation, the introduction of new tenants, optimising the area of the existing tenants, changes to the internal layout, adding new facilities for customers, refreshing and improving the centre’s image, a
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