Sticking to the big city
How did the concept of opening clinics in shopping centres arise? “The idea stemmed from our interest in medical care, even though we are not doctors,” recalls Damian Biedulski, the CEO of Medic Express. “A few years ago we identified two areas of unsatisfied demand: the first was diagnostic imaging and the second was conveniently accessible and efficient basic medical services. I had been studying the United States market for a number of years, where the Minute Clinic had been expanding its chain. This was the first concept for convenient, affordable diagnostics in easy to access locations I became aware of. So we devised our own concept, refined it and then tested the water for such an idea in Poland. We carried out a survey in shopping centres: two in Warsaw, because it is one of the most affluent markets on the one hand and also the most saturated in terms of corporate prepaid medical care