Profits from the property players

Stock market report
Ten years after the financial crisis first broke, the main index of the Warsaw Stock Exchange – the WIG – is gradually returning to its historic peak. This is only happening thanks to the boom on the other trading floors of emerging markets, which is being driven by the weakening dollar and increases in the prices of raw materials. However, the midsummer turned out to be a weaker period for the indexes of construction companies
There is now little doubt that in the world’s largest economies the situation is much more positive than it has been. This is shown by the macroeconomic data, the assessments of central banks as well as companies’ results – particularly those across the Atlantic. In the US the slowdown at the beginning of the year turned out to be a temporary phenomenon, as partial data coming from China confirms that growth is accelerating – but the greatest increases were evident on the smaller, emerging markets. This growth is being driven by the weaker dollar as well as the rising prices of raw materials. As a result, stock exchanges in countries such as Korea, Brazil or Chile are performing better than those of developed markets. But even the latter are doing rather well, because in July the S&P500 broke another record and the Nasdaq grew by almost 3.5 pct in August (more than the ‘emerging’ WIG or WIG20). The stock ma
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