Taking on all-comers

Will Cresa, which exclusively provides tenant services for the office, industrial and retail segments, alter the balance of power in the advisory sector? After several months of preparations, Piotr Kaszyński, the managing partner of Cresa in Poland, has announced his plans, declaring: We will be able to compete with everyone: large, medium or small. We’re ready for this!
Ewa Andrzejewska, ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’: In early July, Cresa announced its entry into Poland. This was just a few weeks after another agency also announced its entry in a press release. How ready are you to take this plunge? Piotr Kaszyński, managing partner, Cresa Poland: We are assembling our team. In September we will start our operations in our offices in downtown Warsaw, on the 21st floor of the Warsaw Financial Center. What are Cresa’s plans for the Polish market? Based on Cresa’s experience worldwide, our goal is to become a leading partner for tenants in all the sectors of the commercial real estate market. I believe that we will be able to achieve this target in quite a short time. What do you mean by a ‘short time’? A year and a half – a maximum two years. When do you think you’ll be fully up-and- running? We began preparations for entering Poland
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