Rafał Ostrowski, ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’: Your offices in the Business Garden complex in Wrocław employ 350 people and cover 5,600 sqm. Why did you need so much space?
Sudheer Kaavil Valappil, site director at BD: I have been working in this industry for more than 15 years, and could see the impact of many unhealthy practices first hand – such as employees sitting in front of a computer for eight plus hours a day. We also took a look at the younger generation, who tend to have emerged from a very footloose, university environment and dislike being confined to one place. Hence we wanted to make our offices more modern and spacious to provide what we call flexible working options. Our employees can either sit at their desks or take their laptops to the kitchen or the chill-out zone. Wi-fi is available throughout the campus, so in the summer you can sit on the lawn outside the office and try to work from there. You no longer have to be confined to a p