The balls for making money

The annual JLL charity volleyball tournament for the property sector took place on August 3rd. Although this was in the middle of the vacation period, the venue, La Playa Music Bar club in Warsaw, was full
Maybe, apart from it all being for charity, it was like this because it was the only meeting of the real estate market between June and September. This time a record-breaking 48 teams with 336 players took part. The event took place under the honorary patronage of the Polish Volleyball Federation with the aim of supporting Fundacja Spełnionych Marzeń (the Foundation of Fulfilled Dreams), to help them to buy medical equipment for the treatment of children with cancer. The equipment will be donated to the cancer wards of three hospitals: the Provincial Children’s Hospital in Olsztyn, University Children’s Hospital in Lublin and the Voivodship Hospital Complex/Świętokrzyskie Paediatric Centre in Kielce. as well as the entry fee, money was also donated throughout the entire day and during the auction of items contributed by the sponsors. A record-breaking PLN 369,210 was finally raised. Additionally, PLN 10,000 was transferred to the account of the Foundation by anonymous d
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