The customer is king

Retail & leisure
How has the retail situation in Poznań changed since the opening of the Posnania shopping centre – a close neighbour of Galeria Malta – almost a year ago?
Ewa Spychalska, director,Galeria Malta: Galeria Malta is well rooted on the Poznań retail scene. It has its loyal group of customers, who have a very high opinion of it. Customers appreciate the optimal size of the centre, which makes shopping convenient, without the effect of ‘tired legs’. They point to its unique location, the option of combining shopping and sport as well as the attractive range of brands. At the end of June the retail saturation amounted to 293 sqm per 1,000 people for the entire country [according to Colliers International – editor’s note]. But in Poznań the figure exceeded 832 sqm per 1,000 inhabitants. Of course, we all feel this. It is obvious that when the saturation is high you have to double your efforts to take care of your clients: the shoppers as well as the tenants. Have you noticed any reduction in customers due to Posnania benefiting from its novelty? This is a normal situation, although the effect has already run its cours
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