Regulating deregulation

Property management
POLAND An amendment to the real estate management act has now come into force, introducing new regulations for real estate management professionals, including for real estate agents, facility managers and real estate appraisers. The new regulations also restore definitions for real estate management activities and the principles that facility managers and real estate agent must adhere to – provisions that were removed in deregulatory measures passed in the original 2014 act, which, as later became clear, led to severe negative repercussions for market players.
Order after a chaotic three years “After three years of chaos resulting from the deregulation, the amendment re-introduces regulations for the professions of a real estate agent and appraiser once again,” comments Andrzej Piórecki, the president of the Polish Real Estate Market Federation. “I hope that this will be the beginning of the normalisation of the act and its subsequent provisions will be aimed at improving the situation of clients and the professionalism of agents and managers,” he adds. The amendment, which came into force on September 1st, restores the definitions of agency and management that were problematically taken out of the act three years ago. According to the latest amendment, facility management entails making decisions and carrying out activities aimed at providing optimal economic and financial management, as well as taking on the responsibility for the appropriate use and security of the property and its power management, together wit
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