Saddle sore for Warsaw

On September 20th the ‘suits on Bikes’ ride organised by ‘Eurobuild CEE’ and THE Zielone Mazowsze FOUNDATION took place to GENERATE DEBATE ON the direction of the capital’s future development
How can Warsaw be made a better place for those who live and work here? This very broad question was on the minds of all those who recently ventured out onto the streets of the city when they took part in the ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride organised by ‘Eurobuild CEE’ with the support of non-profit environmental organisation Zielone Mazowsze. The event brought together members of the real estate community, as well as office workers and anyone else who wanted to come along for the ride. However pretentious it may sound, it was a chance to reflect on how we really want to live: in dense or in opened-out cities; with lots of bike routes and pavements or with lots of motorways. How do we want to use pl. Defilad, the city’s main and largest square? There were also more specific issues, such as how to improve this or that passage for the disabled or make certain buildings more accessible to pedestrians. Unsurprisingly (or maybe not), more questions were asked than answ
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