Automation, robotics and A.I. Is the future

P3’s latest strategy is focused on expanding across the whole of Europe. Blake Horsley, the group’s development director, spoke to us about how the warehouse market is changing, the shape it will take in the future, and how P3 intends to respond to this.
Anna Pakulniewicz, ‘Eurobuild Central& Eastern Europe’: What is P3’s development strategy? Blake Horsley, group development director, P3: P3 is a long-term investor, developing warehouse facilities in highly accessible and strategic logistics locations. We are in it for the ‘long haul’, which means that we have a very different approach to many of our developer-trader competitors. We have emphasis on providing customers with a building that has longevity – both in terms of its build quality, but also its flexibility to deal with business changes over time – as well as providing first-class customer service throughout the lifetime of a building. This has been a highly successful strategy for us, as evidenced by the fact that 75 pct of our customers have renewed their leases and 87 pct of our new build-to-suit projects are being developed for existing clients. And what are your European expansion plans? P3’s European portfo
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