Serenade in the park

In Planty Park, which encircles Kraków’s Old Town, it was a little bit windy and rainy that day. It was then that it struck me that the trees there reminded me of middle-aged men – in that they were balder than they had been, while the yellowing leaves that still clung to them needed just a slightly stronger gust of wind to dislodge them from their branches forever.
I was taking a look around the former capital of Poland on my morning run, but in my head I could still all the fanfare of the opening of the Serenada shopping centre – an event that had brought the real estate world to the city the previous day. Kraków is a popular tourist destination (and the evidence for this is obvious wherever you look), but it also suffers from heavy traffic. I could see this not only as I jogged through the Old Town, but also while in transit between the hotel and this new destination on Kraków’s retail map. One solution to the scourge of traffic jams (apart from asking local taxi drivers how to get around them) can be found on these pages in the interview entitled ‘If You Build It, They Will Come’, which is dominated by a discussion of a concept you may well never have heard of: the ‘copenhagenization’ of cities. What does this mean? Danish urban planner and mobility expert Mikael Colville-Andersen explains what it entails,
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