Not quite a piece of cake

Customers’ shopping habits are of utmost importance to shopping centre managers. The point is that consumer habits are continuously changing. What a centre offers depends on what customers buy. Meanwhile, the way tenants operate and the services available in a mall depend on the way in which people do their shopping. As if this was not enough the Polish government is about to throw another spanner in the works – a ban on Sunday trading
Some of the latest trends that have a direct effect on Polish shopping centres include a rising interest in entertainment and catering, an increasing share of trade moving online and the consequent focus of retailers on combining various sales channels. Owners and managers of malls are trying to respond to customers’ needs quickly and effectively. One example of this is the Wroclavia shopping centre which was opened in Wrocław in mid-October. Its owner – Unibail-Rodamco – earmarked nearly 20 pct of the centre’s leasable area for entertainment and catering. Other developers with projects under construction claim that the space reserved for entertainment and catering services will be considerably more extensive than in previous projects. Meanwhile existing mall owners are left with modernising and recommercialising their centres to make room for a wider range of tenants from specific segments. Combining various sales channels together in an omni-channel sales app
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