Getting it out of your system

New technology
They say that no company with more than 20 employees and 50 customers is able to cope without the support of a CRM system. And real estate companies are no exception to this rule
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems arrived in Poland at the turn of century along with the IT tools that made them possible, the entry of global corporations and the expansion of firms servicing thousands of customers and thus needing to process a rapidly expanding amount of data. It would be impossible to cope with such a number of clients using analogue systems or even spreadsheets. Difficult birth The first few CRMs emerged on the Polish market due to the needs of financial and telecommunications institutions. Next it was the turn of the real estate sector. “The germ of our CRM was the relatively simple software we wrote in 2007 for one of our residential developers,” recalls Marcel Fortuna, a project manager and the owner of Forbit, which developed one of the first CRM systems for residential developers in Poland – Deweloper System. “Other developers became interested in the programme as their requirements and the market expanded – for ex
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