In a 3 pct world

Investment & Finance
Asian investors, despite Brexit, are still pouring into London and are now expected to spread out into the CEE region. Chris Bell, a partner and managing director of Knight Frank in Europe, points to some of the current investment trends in the UK that sooner or later will be on their way to our part of the world
Rafał Ostrowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: You’ve come here from London, so before we move on to CEE affairs I’m tempted to ask you what your take on the UK property market is one year after the EU referendum. Chris Bell, managing director, Europe, Knight Frank: In the first three months after the Brexit vote in June last year it was like: help! what’s going to happen?? Incredibly, however, from September and October onwards the British economy actually picked up. It was as if the British people had said: we are going to get on with it. So, we have had a very good year, which has surprised everybody. I couldn’t tell you why this has happened, because it defies logic, but it is the case and perhaps one shouldn’t think about it too much. So why is there uncertainty again if the numbers are so good? As this new reality really begins to dawn on us – and as it gets discussed in the media and the initial discussions get going with the EU negotia
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