Park life

Office & mixed-use development
The reeds are rustling in the wind as ducks paddle around in the pond. There’s a volleyball game going on and yoga on the lawn… this is the kind of idyllic scene that has become the norm in modern business parks, where a whole range of such attractive features are laid on for the tenants
Even though a business park is not actually a park but a complex of office buildings, the owners of such facilities have been putting more and more effort into utilising the full potential of the large sites they are built on. And this does not just mean increasing the number of parking spaces for the tenants and their guests (in fact, this is something business parks have always been good at), but instead they are also adding amenities to the green areas surrounding the buildings. Such facilities, as well as the other assets of these parks, such as traffic jam-free access, the ability to take up additional space during the lease period and the sense of detachment from the noisy city centre, have earned office parks a growing number of enthusiasts. Active garden from Vastint Tenants of Vastint’s Wrocław Business Garden are immediately supplied with sports equipment upon taking up their space. The ‘welcome package’ consists of badminton and ping pong racquets, voll
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