Walking in new shoes

Retail & leisure
A coherent omnichannel sales model would finally seem to have been launched onto the Polish market. Eobuwie.pl, which used to operate purely as an online footwear store, is opening its first physical shops – and they appear to combine the two sales formats. We discussed the company’s modern vision for retail with its CEO, Marcin Grzymkowski
Aneta Cichla, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: Eobuwie.pl’s first brick-and-mortar store opened in Focus Mall Zielona Góra in October. Is this going to be the model for your planned chain of traditional shops? Marcin Grzymkowski, CEO, Eobuwie.pl: The concept we opened in Zielona Góra is not going to be the ultimate format of our future physical stores. It has an area of just under 400 sqm and deliveries to the unit are sourced from our central warehouse. Eventually we will be opening stores of 2,000–3,000 sqm, with the first of this scale set to open in early 2018, in the Magnolia shopping centre in Wrocław. We are also in advanced negotiations over several other locations. We expect that such leases will be signed over the next few months. Importantly, our strategy is to open only one store per large city. So if we decide to sign a lease contract in a particular centre in a given city, we will only be present in this one location. So there will only be a few stores operat
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