The art of compromise

Cezary Pawłowski of Segro, who has won the best warehouse manager of the year award in the tenants’ vote, nevertheless considers himself to be a young manager who still has a lot to learn
Why do your tenants appreciate you so much? I think that the way we build our relationships with the clients is of key importance. We always listen to them, are quick to reach agreement and keen to work out compromises. What advice would you give to a young manager at the beginning of their career? Well, I still consider myself to be a young manager. I have not developed ready solutions for every kind of scenario. However, this could be an advantage because it means I have to be very flexible. But if I was to give one crucial piece of advice, I would probably say that you should make every effort every day to maintain good relations with your clients, because this approach pays off. But how do you manage to do this? Is this something you can learn or are you born with this ability? Some find it easier than others. It’s important to make the client aware that they can come to us with any issue or query, that they are important to us and that we always seek out the best
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